Saturday, September 2, 2017

Earth Systems in Science

Students have begun our unit on Earth Systems. We are thinking about how earth's systems interact. Students are being introduced to the systems of Earth: biosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere.

Before starting our unit, students are sorting picture cards into categories that they assigned together. Some students did living/nonliving. Some students did weather, people, landforms, etc...

Students are being introduced to the academic vocabulary through our textbook and are recording what each system means. We have focused on the Greek root words and have applied these root words to other words that contain geo/atmo/bio/hydro/sphere. 

On Friday, we went outside to take pictures showing examples of how these systems interact. We will continue to document the earth's systems throughout the seasons.  Next week, we will be building some models to help us understand and simulate how these systems work.