Friday, December 31, 2021

Plotting... on a Cartesian coordinate plane

Students have taken a slight break from exploring fractions to lessons with the coordinate grid. Reading, writing, and plotting points on the first quadrant requires practice and purpose. Students were asked to represent the axes for the first quadrant and plot four destinations using cardinal directions.  

My example is here:

Directions for students:

Student examples: 

This assignment was not only informative (I used this as one of our bodies of evidence to support a Critical Concept) but students really enjoyed it! I had many students want to make additional maps "just for fun". Assuredly, that enthusiasm does not happen often during a math assignment! I appreciated the creativity that some displayed when plotting their locations. Whether students chose "rappers" or "athletes" as the stops and final destination, the assignment provided practice and a piece of evidence demonstrating how well students are able to produce and plot ordered pairs on a coordinate grid.

 Missouri Learning Standards addressed:

Define a first quadrant Cartesian coordinate system.

a.    Represent the axes as scaled perpendicular number lines that both intersect at 0, the origin.

b.    Identify any point on the Cartesian coordinate plane by its ordered pair coordinates.

c.     Define the first number in an ordered pair as the horizontal distance from the origin.

d.    Define the second number in an ordered pair as the vertical distance from the origin.

Plot and interpret points in the first quadrant of the Cartesian coordinate plane.