Saturday, September 3, 2022

Name That Number!

 Our class has started our first unit in Everyday Math which is focused on volume and order of operations. Students are introduced to the game Name That Number where they are provided a series of numbers that can be used only once to arrive at the "Target" number. Students have choice over which operations they use and are encouraged to use parentheses in the expression. While students can play this game on their iPad, I prefer for us to share our expressions so students can see and hear how others approach the target number. It is FUN. Students love it! 

My screen was full of awesome student thinking! I rewrote some of our favorites on chart paper (so it is actually readable!). Pretty awesome huh?? When students use negative numbers or fractions in their expressions, this is quite instructive during the first week of school! Great fun and a super way to practice and play with order of operations!